PK Kids PlayHouse for Disabled and Disadvantaged Children

PK Kids Playhouse is designed to help children with physical disabilities and is now open for all underprivileged children, impoverished families, victims of domestic violence, displaced families, and children living in homeless shelters. We believe all children should have the opportunity to live a life without limitations as we continue to build Our House for Our Children. 


It's A KidsLife Mission

It's A KidsLife is a rewarding ministry purpose of allowing a kid to be a kid.  

Pastor Karen Gay Napier founded. It's A KidsLife Outreach shortly after her mom's death. The motivation of her decision is exclusively based on every child having toys for Christmas. Primarily designed to assist people living with breast cancer, this annual event is now open to all disadvantaged children helping them receive toys for Christmas. With the continual support, donations, and sponsorship from organizations, It'sAKidsLife has ministered to the needs and wants of many families throughout Palm Beach and Broward County, Florida.

Pastor Karen and It's A KidsLife Outreach recently added "Back to School BPB (BackPak Bash) to its annual calendar of events, serving the children of Broward and Palm Beach County, Florida. 

We believe with interactive studies we can teach the primary and junior level students the infallible Word of God in their understanding and language. Making the Word of God fun and exciting for our children will help them to embrace life with a clear understanding; according to the holy scripture.



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